old main in the fall between some trees

Office of Student Affairs

We care about students.  From orientation to commencement, through the joys and challenges of the college experience, the Office of Student Affairs is here to make your time at North Central the best it can possibly be.  We know that learning happens not just in the classroom, but also in residence halls, on sports fields, at campus activities and through service experiences. We’ll be your advocates, your cheerleaders, and your mentors. We’ll help you navigate the college system and get through personal, family, or health issues. We’ll also challenge you, hold you accountable to our community expectations, and stretch you to grow academically and personally in ways you never thought possible.

Whatever you might need, the Office of Student Affairs is always a great place to start. We hope to see you soon. 

The Office of Student Affairs is located on the 5th floor of Old Main, Suite 501.  Call 630-637-5151, or email studentaffairs@noctrl.edu
